6 research outputs found

    Improving the Organization of the Learning Process in Mathematics for International Students of Technical Universities

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    The article is devoted to the problem of teaching Mathematics to international students at technical universities. The study reveals the main educational difficulties of international learners enrolled in groups with Russian native speakers. The experience of giving lectures with presentations at Tomsk Polytechnic University is described. The study proves that the quality of mathematical education in a non-native language depends on the methods of delivering the lecture. It is found that delivering lectures in Mathematics with presentation slides enables international students to overcome educational difficulties

    Barriers to Innovation in the Implementation of the Investment Strategy: An Empirical Study

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    The problem of inward investment to the innovative economic sector is very acute today. The investment determines the economic development, but nowadays the low efficiency of investment activity in the sphere of innovations is obvious. This indicates the need for correction of the strategy taking into account social processes. The implications of innovative changes are not always predictable. The society takes innovations with a great caution. The innovation resistance can differ by the degree of its manifestation depending on the scale of innovative changes. Barriers encountered in the innovative changes hinder the innovative activity of financial companies, prevent the creation of new institutions and formation of innovative strategies, hamper the development of the actors implementing investment projects. This article studies the causes of innovative resistance and the parameters of existing barriers. The existence of innovation barriers and their detailed classification is described for the first time. The aim of this study is to create a model that allows to assess the barriers to the innovative development basing on their parameters. The study justifies the factors of the investment strategy adaptation in order to create the environment of successful activity for a company in the innovative region. The study determines the influence of these parameters on the state investment strategy. The suggested model is based on the statistical data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. It can be implemented to analyze the innovative situation in a region in order to provide a necessary adaptation of the investment strategies

    Forming Linguistic Competence of Foreign Students at the Preparatory Department of a Technical University

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    The article describes the technique developed by the authors to organize classroom lessons and independent work for foreign learners studying in Russian at the Preparatory department of a technical university. At the classroom lessons in Mathematics students worked with five types of tasks: sample tasks; text analysis; micro essay; model task; mastering mathematical symbols. During the independent work in the study of Mathematics, foreign students performed tests and teamwork tasks placed on the platform Moodle. We have carried out the experiments, which showed that the technique of organizing classroom lessons and independent work, developed by the authors, had a positive impact on the level of linguistic competence in Mathematics of foreign students of the Preparatory department

    Complicated Adaptive Systems as a Way to Improve Higher Education

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    The aspiration to constant economic wellbeing and intensive transformation of the scientific world detects a problem of adaptation in high professional education (HPE). The HPE system built in the socio-economic structure reacts with a delay to changes in the environment. In the article we claim that HPE systems have features of bio-systems: self-preservation and adequate response to external stimuli. It is supposed that this delay can be overcome if we insert into the system the elements which can improve its adaptability. As the quantitative evaluation of the system gives no grounds to the model construction, our study offers a new concept of high professional education model building. To make a diagnostics of the HPE system and to create a model of HPE adaptation to the environmental challenges we use the method of fuzzy logics, comprising a base of rules and membership functions. The proposed algorithm of fuzzy output is based on the expert assessment data of the Russian Association of Engineering Universities received during the accreditation of engineering specialties in 10 universities of Russia

    Complicated Adaptive Systems as a Way to Improve Higher Education

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    The aspiration to constant economic wellbeing and intensive transformation of the scientific world detects a problem of adaptation in high professional education (HPE). The HPE system built in the socio-economic structure reacts with a delay to changes in the environment. In the article we claim that HPE systems have features of bio-systems: self-preservation and adequate response to external stimuli. It is supposed that this delay can be overcome if we insert into the system the elements which can improve its adaptability. As the quantitative evaluation of the system gives no grounds to the model construction, our study offers a new concept of high professional education model building. To make a diagnostics of the HPE system and to create a model of HPE adaptation to the environmental challenges we use the method of fuzzy logics, comprising a base of rules and membership functions. The proposed algorithm of fuzzy output is based on the expert assessment data of the Russian Association of Engineering Universities received during the accreditation of engineering specialties in 10 universities of Russia